This new year be inspired to add Clean Money Resolutions to your list.

These are changes that matter. You are a #CleanMoneyRevolution(ary)!

Invest like lives depend on you. Be more proactive. Options are growing.

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), screens global stocks and bonds for “less bad”. That’s a crucial first step.

Ask annoying questions. Wealth managers will seed new products in mutual funds, retirement plans, bank accounts, and insurance. Cleaner consumer goods, sourcing policies, enviro regs, fair pay, and reduced discrimination will follow.

Spend + invest locally. Strengthen community. Recirculate dollars. Make better jobs.

 Photo by Emira Mears. Photo by Emira Mears.

Agitate, agitate, agitate. Stand for what you believe in. Research. Get informed. Insist. Model it. Tell your friends. Be courageous. Use your influence. Take risks. Then go further. A movement is well underway, gaining visibility, momentum. It’s early. You are a leader.

Have you made your #CleanMoneyResolutions? Please share them on my Facebook Page  or Twitter. Share experiences, products, learnings, struggles and disappointments. Ask for help. Be specific. Inspire others!

We can do this.